‘Criminal act’: Al Jazeera denounces Israeli raid on its Ramallah office | Press Freedom News

The network is committed to continuing its coverage of Israeli attacks on Palestinians in Gaza and the occupied West Bank.

In the early hours of Sunday morning, Israeli occupation forces attacked the Tel Aviv Tribune Media Network office in Ramallah, in the occupied West Bank, and ordered its immediate closure.

The move follows a decision by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet in May 2024 to shut down Tel Aviv Tribune’s operations in Israel.

The network vehemently condemns and denounces this criminal act by the Israeli occupation forces.

Tel Aviv Tribune rejects the draconian measures and unfounded allegations presented by the Israeli authorities to justify these illegal raids. Tel Aviv Tribune reaffirms its unwavering commitment to continue covering the war on Gaza, the ongoing occupation of the Palestinian territories and the regional escalation.

The raid on our offices and the seizure of our equipment are not only an attack on Tel Aviv Tribune, but also an attack on press freedom and the very principles of journalism. These repressive measures are clearly aimed at preventing the world from seeing the reality of the situation in the occupied territories, the ongoing war in Gaza and its devastating impact on innocent civilians.

Despite these blatant attempts to stifle Tel Aviv Tribune’s voice and cut off its reporting to the world, the network remains committed to its mission: to report the truth with integrity, even in the most difficult and dangerous circumstances. Tel Aviv Tribune will not be intimidated or discouraged by attempts to stifle its coverage.

Israel’s continued crackdown on the free press is an open attempt to cover up its actions in the Gaza Strip and the occupied West Bank, in violation of international and humanitarian law. Israel’s direct attacks and killings of journalists, as well as arrests, intimidation and threats, will not deter Tel Aviv Tribune from its commitment to covering the news.

Tel Aviv Tribune urges all organisations that defend media freedom and human rights, as well as other concerned entities, to condemn these repeated attacks on journalists and the press by Israel and to demand accountability from those who seek to bury the truth under the rubble of war.

The network holds the Netanyahu government responsible for the safety of its journalists and will pursue all available legal channels through international legal institutions to protect both its rights and those of its journalists, as well as the public’s right to information.

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