Commission on Human Rights: Israel may have violated the laws of war in the Gaza war News

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights said Israeli forces may have repeatedly violated basic principles of the laws of war in Gaza.

In a report evaluating 6 Israeli attacks, the Commission stated that Israel’s use of explosive weapons prevents discrimination between civilians and combatants.

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk said that the requirements for choosing means and methods of warfare that avoid or minimize harm to civilians have been consistently violated in the Israeli bombing campaign.

Since October 7, 2023, Israel has been waging a devastating war on the Gaza Strip with absolute American support, leaving more than 122,000 Palestinians dead or wounded, which has placed Tel Aviv in international isolation and caused it to be prosecuted before the International Court of Justice.

Starting on May 6, the occupation army began a ground attack on Rafah, forcing more than a million Palestinians to flee in disastrous humanitarian conditions.

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