Calcalist: Chaos in Israeli aviation and thousands of soldiers stranded abroad | Economy News

A severe crisis has worsened in the Israeli aviation sector, as thousands of Israelis, including reservists who received emergency call-up orders (Order 8), are left stranded abroad due to a shortage of flights and sky-high ticket prices.

According to reports from Calcalist, many Israelis are unable to return to the country as the conflict escalates in northern Israel, and public transportation is halted due to Rosh Hashanah and Shabbat..

The crisis was exacerbated by a significant decrease in the number of flights from foreign airlines, especially after the unprecedented recommendation from the European Aviation Authority to avoid flying to Israel until the end of next October as a result of security concerns.

This recommendation caused companies such as Virgin Atlantic to postpone the resumption of their flights to Israel until March 2025, according to Calcalist.

Difficulties and high ticket prices

Calcalist reported that Israeli airlines, such as El Al and Arkia, recently increased the number of flights to alternative airports in Athens and Larnaca to help repatriate stranded Israelis, but prices remain high.

El Al set the prices of tickets to Larnaca at $199 and Athens at $299, while Arkia faced criticism for selling tickets at prices ranging between $783 and $899 on the same lines.

Israeli airlines increased the number of flights to alternative airports in Athens and Larnaca to help repatriate stranded Israelis (Reuters)

Lack of public transportation

The newspaper says that those who were able to return to Israel face another challenge, which is the absence of public transportation due to the holiday season and the cessation of services on the Sabbath, and this has led to relying on private cars to reach military assembly points in the north.

Despite statements by some transportation officials that the system is prepared for emergency situations, the lack of services at critical times has dissatisfied many.

According to the Calcalist report, although the Ministry of Transportation held 14 emergency meetings last year, it was criticized for its ineffectiveness in addressing transportation-related issues during the war.

Response of the Minister of Transport

Transport Minister Miri Regev was widely criticized for her handling of the crisis. Despite its promises to provide “sea shuttles” and rescue flights using the Israeli Air Force’s “Hercules” aircraft, none of these plans have yet been implemented.

The Ministry of Defense responded that providing public transportation on the Sabbath and organizing rescue flights fell within the responsibilities of the Ministry of Transport.

Regev also met with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban to request changing the European Aviation Authority’s recommendation against flights to Israel. However, no tangible results have been achieved so far, while the continued deterioration of the security situation leaves many Israelis stranded abroad without clear solutions.

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