The bus dropped in a ravine in the south of the country. According to the first elements of the investigation, speeding is at the origin of the drama.
A traffic accident left at least 28 people dead and 20 injured Monday in the Andean region of Potosi, Bolivia, when an interprorvincial bus has descended an 800 -meter ravine. This assessment was confirmed by the Bolivian police in an updated report, which initially reported 31 dead and 15 injured.
The spokesman From the departmental command of the Potosi police, Limberth Choque, said the bus was circulating between Potosi and Oruro When the accident occurred near the city of Yocalla, some 311 kilometers from its destination.
Mr. Choque said that the accident had occurred on a high slope road and pronounced curves. THE first investigations indicate that speeding is the main cause of the accidentthe driver may have lost control of the vehicle. Images broadcast on social networks show the bus completely destroyed at the bottom of the ravine. Specialized teams still work on site to determine the exact causes of the accident.
The most serious accident in the country
They‘Acts the most serious accident recorded in Bolivia since the beginning of 2025, exceeding the one that occurred in January in the same region, where a bus connecting the PAZ to Villazón was the victim of another accident , which left 19 dead. Road accidents are one of the main causes of death in Bolivia.
According to official statistics, around 1,400 dead and 40,000 injureds are recorded each year in road accidents. The main causes are speeding, the imprudence of drivers, alcohol consumption, fatigue and the lack of maintenance of roads.
In mountain regions such as Potosí and Oruro, rugged geography and weather conditions, such as rain and fog, aggravate the risks. In fact, Potosí represents 10.6 % of fatal accidents in the country, according to the Bolivian observatory for citizen security.
The authorities have renewed their appeal to the strengthening of road controls And to improve road infrastructure, especially in high -risk areas. Meanwhile, the investigation is progressing and Bolivia cries a new tragedy on its roads.