Belgium: Postcards still have fans

Having gone out of fashion and been abandoned in favour of new means of communication, postcards still have fans in Belgium.


They are considered old-fashioned, but postcards still have their fans.

“It’s a bit of a retro object. It’s true that you might think that my generation uses postcards less, but we choose them. And then it’s a physical object that we keep, so it’s also a souvenir for the person who receives it.”explains a young customer in a postcard shop.

“For me, it is very important to capture this moment and share it with the person. It is really a vector of emotions, a reminder of childhood memories”explains a customer.

Faced with new means of communication, postcards are gradually disappearing from the habits of Belgians. This postal service is in fact noting a drop in mailings.

“At Bpost, we do not differentiate in the figures between postcards and normal mail, such as letters. But every year we see a decrease of 5 to 10%. Last year, the decrease was 8.4%.”explains Mathieu Goedefroy, spokesperson for Bpost.

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