Barghouti to Al Jazeera: Gantz’s resignation is a blow to Netanyahu and the Israeli government will become more dangerous News

The Secretary-General of the Palestinian National Initiative, Dr. Mustafa Barghouti, described the resignation of Benny Gantz from the Israeli war government as a strong and harsh blow to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, anticipating an increase in protests in Israel against the latter.

Barghouti indicated – during his talk to Tel Aviv Tribune – that the Gantz conference revealed 3 points that confirm the nature of the dispute between him and Netanyahu. The first is his support for concluding a prisoner exchange deal with the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), the second is working with the United States in this context, and the third is his accusation that Netanyahu is… Who is preventing progress towards victory and obstructing the proposed exchange deal?

According to Barghouti, Gantz’s statements will have a major impact not only on what is happening in Israel but also globally in dispelling Netanyahu’s lies that the resistance is obstructing the exchange deal, explaining that what matters to Netanyahu is prolonging the war, and he does not care at all about killing Palestinians or killing prisoners.

During his conference, Gantz tried to draw up a strategy to create an alternative to Netanyahu by courting Defense Minister Yoav Galant to leave the government or the Likud Party, which would lead to the collapse of the current government, according to Barghouti.

Gantz’s talk about the necessity of forming a national investigation committee – according to Barghouti – also falls within the framework of directing a blow at Netanyahu, because it will accuse him of negligence in preventing the attack of last October 7, and of managing the war, as his fate will be imprisonment in light of his being also prosecuted in several corruption cases.

Gantz’s conference carried great danger when he said that there would be a long war, as Barghouti explained that the man supported escalating matters on the northern front and entering into a war with Lebanon, and that he, like Netanyahu, rejected the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.

Repercussions of resignation

Regarding the possibility of other ministers leaving the government, Barghouti believes that the matter depends on three factors, which are the escalation of protests in the Israeli street, Washington’s position in exerting real pressure on Netanyahu, and the move of the International Courts of Justice and Criminal to stop the war and impose sanctions on Netanyahu.

Regarding the repercussions of Gantz’s resignation, the Secretary-General of the Palestinian National Initiative confirms that the current Israeli government will become more dangerous and ferocious, and Netanyahu will become controlled by the fascists.

The greatest danger will also be focused on the occupied West Bank, where Bezalel Smotrich holds the Ministry of Finance, and funds the settlers to continue their crimes there, according to Barghouti.

However, Barghouti ruled out the entry of Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir into the war council, expecting Netanyahu to dissolve the council or not change anything about it, in addition to his attempt to court Avigdor Lieberman by granting him the Ministry of Defense.

At the conclusion of his speech, Barghouti concluded that Gantz’s speech was weak, and he was speaking with half a tongue, but he realizes that the army’s survival in the Gaza Strip is impossible, and that the survival of the Palestinian people means the survival of the resistance, when he repeated the word “realistic and real victory.”

On Sunday evening, Gantz announced his resignation from the war government, describing it as a “complicated and painful decision, and made with a heavy heart.” He also addressed the families of Israeli detainees in Gaza, saying, “We failed the exam, and we were not able to return your children.”

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