Authority security surrounds the house of a person persecuted by the occupation to arrest him news


Palestinian media sources reported that the Authority’s security services surrounded the house of a wanted person in Tubas, noting that they arrested 5 young men in the area.

Tubas is still witnessing tension and the closure of some streets after the Authority Security arrested another person persecuted by the occupation, followed by clashes with the people of the city.

The family of the detained persecutor, Ahmed Abu Al-Ayda, one of the leaders of the “Tubas Brigade,” sent a message to the Palestinian Authority, in which it said, “We are not advocates of security chaos or chaos. We are liberated prisoners, and our files with you are patriotic, and our title is unity and a clean, liberated country. Our hands are with yours to combat chaos, corruption, and hashish, but it is more worthy of you.” “Support us, not erase our ideas and beliefs.”

Abu Al-Ayda’s family added, “We are the children of your country. Stop persecuting our children, so that the day does not come when we do what our enemy wants. Ahmed Abu Al-Ayda, the owner of honorable thought and belief, his place is among us and not in your prison in Al-Junaid. Win us before you lose us. We endured the unbearable for this. country and its preservation.

The family continued, “We call on the people of Tubas, the officials, the tribes, and the freed prisoners to work to end this farce. We will not rest until Ahmed returns to us, and we are speaking in the language of sophistication and solution.”

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