Allocating an Israeli unit to deal with demonstrators demanding the release of detainees News

Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper said that the Israeli police allocated an elite unit to deal with the demonstrators in Jerusalem, demanding the release of Israeli detainees in the Gaza Strip.

The newspaper added that this unit was originally designated to deal with serious crimes, such as thwarting terrorist attacks, and indicated that the unit tried to recruit protesters and plant them within the demonstrations demanding the overthrow of the government and the return of prisoners.

The newspaper explained that members of the unit disguised themselves as demonstrators in Jerusalem, and then were suddenly seen making sudden arrests.

In recent weeks, the families of Israeli prisoners have escalated their protests and demonstrations demanding that the government reach a prisoner exchange agreement and a ceasefire, but to no avail, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insists on continuing the war, to remain in power, according to observers.

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