Al-Shuja’iya neighborhood…a long, complicated and bloody history of fighting the Israelis | News

The Shuja’iyya neighborhood in eastern Gaza City has a long, complex and bloody history of confronting the Israelis, after Israeli military vehicles began a new incursion into the area yesterday morning, Thursday, suddenly and under heavy fire cover, threatening the residents of the area with the necessity of evacuating and moving.

Israel said it launched its new ground operation in Shuja’iyya based on intelligence information, but its forces were directed to carry out qualitative resistance operations.

In numbers, the Al-Qassam Brigades and the Al-Quds Brigades – the military wings of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and the Islamic Jihad – carried out 10 direct targeting operations in less than 8 hours.

Last December, Shuja’iyya witnessed the first Israeli ground operations when the Golani Brigade surrounded the neighborhood and tried to penetrate it, and a force affiliated with it fell into an ambush carried out by the Qassam Brigades in stages, in which 10 soldiers from the brigade described as one of the elite forces were killed.

In the same place, Israeli forces killed 3 prisoners held by the resistance factions, by shooting them directly. They were speaking Hebrew, carrying white flags, and were killed by friendly fire, according to the military term.

The occupation army sent – at that time – large numbers of vehicles, which were stationed in the areas and facilities of the region, according to pictures that had been obtained exclusively by Tel Aviv Tribune earlier, and it brought military bulldozers into the neighborhoods and alleys of Shujaiya.

The Israeli forces forced civilians to walk between buildings and on the streets in search of resistance fighters, under the threat of being killed by drones that accompanied every Palestinian hostage using a human shield.

On the 26th of last month of last year, under violent resistance, the Israeli army withdrew from Shuja’iya and announced the dismantling of its battalion, leaving behind the rubble of homes, martyrs and missing persons, and a neighborhood that carries great strategic importance due to its proximity to the border with Israel.

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