Al-Jib.. A Jerusalemite village rich in antiquities is being devoured by settlements | Politics

The village of Al-Jib is about 9 kilometers away from the city of Jerusalem from the northwestern side, but it is isolated from it by the wall, while settlements are devouring its lands.

Al-Jib Mayor Samer Abd Rabbo spoke to Tel Aviv Tribune Net about the village’s historical treasures and the occupation’s ambitions for it, as the separation wall isolated it and left only about 400 dunams (a dunam equals a thousand square metres) of it inside Jerusalem, including one of its neighbourhoods called “Al-Khalayleh neighbourhood”.

Of the village’s area of ​​about 11,000 dunams, four settlements have swallowed up about 4,500 dunams of its land.

According to its mayor, the village of Al-Jib has antiquities dating back about 5,000 years, and it has a Roman church and several historical landmarks.

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