Al Jazeera Net at the home of the Ghaith family in Jerusalem after the decision to evict them from their home | Politics

The Israeli Supreme Court decided, on Wednesday, to finally evict the family of Jerusalemite Salem Ghaith from their home in the Batn al-Hawa neighborhood and hand it over to the settlers.

The court’s decision came in response to an appeal filed by the family against a previous decision to “evict” them from the house located in the town of Silwan, south of Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem, but it did not specify the date of the evacuation, which was left to the occupation authorities.

The owner of the house, Salem Ghaith, told Tel Aviv Tribune Net, while waiting for the eviction decision, that he bought the house in 1979. It consists of two floors, each with an area of ​​50 square metres, and houses 30 people, who are his family, in addition to the families of his two sons and four daughters, all of whom are married.

Ghaith talks about his battle with the settlement associations, and how their ambitions began to creep into the house in the Batn al-Hawa neighborhood.

The eviction decisions also threaten 87 families in the neighbourhood, consisting of approximately 680 people, according to what the head of the neighbourhood committee, Zuhair al-Rajabi, confirmed to Tel Aviv Tribune Net in a previous interview.

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