Al-Aqsa faces unprecedented existential threat during biblical holiday season | Politics


A position assessment issued by the International Jerusalem Foundation suggests that popular resistance will be renewed with the escalation of the Israeli occupation’s attempts to impose religious control over Al-Aqsa Mosque and attempts to liquidate the identity of the blessed mosque. This comes in light of the aggression on the West Bank, the escalation of resistance there, the continuation of the war of extermination against Gaza, and the escalation on the support fronts.

The estimate – prepared by researcher specializing in Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque affairs, Ziad Abhais – indicates that the Jewish holiday season this year falls between October 3 and 24, and will be immediately followed by the first Hebrew anniversary of Operation Flood of Al-Aqsa, which will fall on Friday morning (October 25).

He expected that this season would be the most severe season of aggression against Al-Aqsa, pointing out that the Israeli leadership is dealing with this anniversary as a point to address the “October 7 complex”, and that the occupation may plan a multi-front attack on Wednesday and Thursday, the 24th and 25th of next month; this makes it necessary to prepare for this possibility and even think about the possibility of preempting it to strengthen the complex.

Al-Aqsa Flood in the Face of Liquidation

It is estimated that Operation Flood of Al-Aqsa was the sixth stage of Palestinian resistance in the face of the decisive phase launched by the Israeli occupation with American support with the aim of comprehensively liquidating the Palestinian cause, which is the phase that began with the announcement of former US President Donald Trump recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel on December 6, 2017.

This was followed by a campaign of demonization and withdrawal of funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) to liquidate the right of return, and the withdrawal of recognition of all forms of political representation of the Palestinian people, even those that were in line with all “colonial conditions.”

This was followed by the announcement of the Deal of the Century in January 2020, which offered to reproduce the Palestinian issue as an issue of funding in exchange for security, and this was crowned by official Arab normalization on many fronts, including the Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco, and Sudan, in what was known as the “Abraham Accords.”

(Tel Aviv Tribune)

revenge attack

The assessment showed that the occupation responded to the flood with a reckless retaliatory attack and then by formulating a strategy of decisiveness, which is an ideological strategy that defies the balance of power but constitutes the cohesive whole that explains Israel’s methodology for waging war on various fronts.

They are as follows:

  • Al-Aqsa Front, where religious subjugation and attempts to establish the alleged “temple” are evident.
  • The front of the war of extermination in Gaza.
  • The displacement project front in the West Bank.
  • The external front is trying to end the right of return, starting with undermining UNRWA, and politically by ending all forms of political representation of the Palestinian people, and with the Arab normalization countries by annexing them to Israeli hegemony on the basis of a new regional alignment against Iran.

It is estimated that Al-Aqsa Mosque constitutes the gateway to the decisive battle, and religious Zionism views it as the most difficult point that, if resolved, opens a gateway to the rest of the fronts. This is what makes it “the gateway to inflicting defeat and imposing Zionist despair of the possibility of resolution, and makes the battle of Al-Aqsa a battle of existence.”

Biblical Holiday Season

The assessment has shown that the extremist Temple groups that are active within the religious Zionist movement to attack Al-Aqsa Mosque have, throughout their history of rise, taken the seasons of the religious biblical holidays or the Zionist national holidays as seasons to attack Al-Aqsa and attempt to change its identity from a purely Islamic mosque to a purely Jewish sanctuary, passing through a stage of division.

These extremist groups have also dedicated the holiday season, extending from the Hebrew New Year until the “Feast of the Seal of the Torah,” as the season of the worst aggression against Al-Aqsa Mosque every year, and this year it will extend from October 3 to 25.

The estimate shows that this historical experience led to the outbreak of 5 uprisings and wars from the Al-Aqsa Gate coinciding with this holiday season in particular, starting with the Al-Aqsa massacre of 1990, which coincided with these holidays, passing through the Tunnel Intifada of 1996, the Al-Aqsa Intifada of 2000, then the Knife Intifada of 2015, and finally the Al-Aqsa Flood.

With the Israeli occupation and its extremist groups rushing towards a decisive victory, this season of revolutions is likely to be renewed in light of the current circumstances on the ground.

Aggression on Al-Aqsa

It is expected that the occupation police will sponsor the largest aggression on Al-Aqsa Mosque in the upcoming Hebrew holiday season, and will attempt to impose all the public biblical rituals for each holiday, and renew the siege of Al-Aqsa Mosque to open it.

It is also trying to sustain this situation until next Ramadan, similar to last year’s experience, taking advantage of the decline in the number of visitors in the winter.

Through this, the occupation police are consecrating complete isolation of the eastern courtyard and will attempt to expand the area for performing biblical rituals to the western side of Al-Aqsa, opposite the western arcade, to become a new area for isolation, while renewing the experience of the settlers dancing at the gates and controlling it vocally.

The estimate sees that reaching the announced ritual ceiling means displaying repeated blowing of the trumpet publicly on Thursday (October 3) and Sunday (October 13), and it is expected that the blowing of the trumpet will be repeated repeatedly and publicly inside Al-Aqsa, at its gates, and around its walls.

It is also likely that Al-Aqsa will be stormed in white “repentance clothes” that mimic the clothes of the priestly class, and that the “priestly blessings” prayers will be performed in Al-Aqsa publicly, and that plant offerings or “fruits of the throne” will be imposed in Al-Aqsa Mosque, leading to the performance of the “Torah wedding” rituals in Al-Aqsa on October 24 to crown the aggression with rituals that embody the image of victory after a year since the outbreak of the Al-Aqsa flood.

Jewish extremists are trying to expand the space for performing biblical rituals in Al-Aqsa Mosque (Al-Jazeera)

Areas of action

The assessment concludes in conclusion that Al-Aqsa Mosque is facing the peak of the existential threat it could witness since its occupation, “and this imposes the necessity of engaging in the battle to defend it with all possible means of resistance, at the level of the Palestinian people in all areas of their presence and at the level of the surrounding countries and all the peoples of the Arab and Islamic nation.”

The assessment of the situation calls for pressuring the official Arab regime to obtain any positive position and stop the deterioration of its position ceilings.

As well as launching the largest mobilization and awareness campaign in the history of interaction campaigns with Al-Aqsa Mosque, starting today until the end of October 25.

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