Activists to Al Jazeera Net: Al-Aqsa flood is a pre-emptive strike on the path to ending the occupation policy

On the first anniversary of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, activists in the field of supporting Palestinian rights from several Arab and Islamic countries unanimously agreed on the importance of what happened on October 7, 2023, despite the losses caused by the war – which followed it and has been continuing for more than a year – Humanity with more than 42 thousand martyrs, 100 thousand injured, and widespread destruction in the Gaza Strip.

Activists believe – in statements to Tel Aviv Tribune Net – that the Al-Aqsa flood represented an important pre-emptive strike in the process of ending the Israeli occupation, as the head of the Moroccan Authority for Supporting the Nation’s Issues, Abdel Samad Fathi, confirmed that the operation represented “a victory for the dignity of a people who were displaced from their land and besieged by air and sea, so they rose to defend his rights and confronting the occupier.”

Fathi pointed out the importance of the flood in “breaking the myth of the invincible army and its claimed intelligence superiority.” On the other hand, the flood restored “hope and pride to the nation, by inflicting on the occupation great losses in equipment and equipment,” adding that the large number of martyrs and destruction What affected Gaza “represents a lesson for humanity in steadfastness and sacrifice, and also removes the mask from the international community and the duplication of human rights claims.”

A revealing moment

Egyptian professor of political science and international relations, Mohamed Affan, believes, in his statement to Tel Aviv Tribune Net, that the Al-Aqsa flood “revealed that the battle is deeper than just being a conflict between Gaza and the Israeli occupation, but rather extends to greater levels.” He pointed out that the flood demonstrated that “the issue of Palestine will not “It will only have a solution through the combined efforts of the entire nation.”

Affan added that “the hostile Zionist project moves regional and international powers in its favor.” On the other hand, many oppressed nations and victims of the colonial era discovered – as a result of the war on Gaza – that the colonial mentality still controls the ruling elites in the West and the American administration, which strengthened their connection with The struggle of the people of Palestine is similar to what happened in Ireland, Australia and the Americas.

According to the professor of political science and international relations, the Al-Aqsa Flood operation was a “revealing moment” at the nation level and at the level of the global struggle, for a more just and equal world.

Asim Khalifa – the Sudanese activist and member of the Al-Aqsa Guardians Initiative, also stressed to Al-Jazeera Net – the importance of the Al-Aqsa flood in developing the awareness of new generations about the reality of the conflict on the land of Palestine, in addition to its contribution to “thwarting the normalization project in the region, which the Israeli occupation and its friends worked on in the past period with some Governments.

The Sudanese activist pointed to the emergence of the weapon of boycotting Israeli products and the goods of countries supporting the occupying state after the Al-Aqsa Flood operation, as “an effective weapon in serving the Palestinian cause and defeating the occupation.”

Arab humiliation

In the same context, the Executive Director of the Ansar Palestine Association in Tunisia, Bashir Khudari, confirmed to Tel Aviv Tribune Net the profound transformation brought about by the Al-Aqsa flood in the Arab region, and said, “The Palestinian right was almost forgotten and its impact was completely forgotten, due to the factors of accelerated normalization in some Arab countries, and the preparation of others to enter into… Sea of ​​normalization.

Khudari added that the Al-Aqsa flood “restored the Palestinian right to its sparkle, to the Palestinian people its status, and to the resistance its leading position,” and likened it to “a lantern on a dark night, which illuminated the Arab world, and even illuminated the entire world.”

The General Coordinator of the Senegalese National Alliance to Support Palestine, Mustafa Sinyan, held the Arab governments, without exception, responsible for what is happening now in Gaza, “for their failure to help the Palestinians,” and said that the observer notes “the indifference of the Arab governments to the killing and displacement that is happening in Gaza.”

Sinyan stressed the need for the various components of the Palestinian people to cooperate and reject division between them, in a way that contributes to achieving victory and living under a free and independent state with Jerusalem as its capital.

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