Abu Obeida blesses Houthi strike on Israel, considers it a “qualitative shift” in the course of the battle | News


The Al-Qassam Brigades blessed the operation carried out by the Ansar Allah group (Houthis) deep inside Israel, which it said targeted a military site in Jaffa with a “hypersonic” missile.

Abu Obeida, the official spokesman for the Al-Qassam Brigades, said in tweets on his Telegram channel, “We congratulate the qualitative operation carried out by the Yemeni armed forces this morning, which targeted a military site near Tel Aviv,” appreciating “the dear Yemeni people’s stand alongside their brothers in Palestine and their readiness to make sacrifices for that.”

He added in one of the tweets that “the nature of the weapon used in the operation, the type of target it targeted, and other details that we informed our brothers in Yemen of constitute a qualitative shift that will have important effects on the course and outcomes of the Battle of Tufan Al-Aqsa.”

He stressed in another tweet that “the Zionist entity, which is still drowning in the Gaza quagmire, and which today fails with its allies to thwart or intercept a single missile, is too incapable to expand the war to new fronts from which it will receive thousands of missiles and many surprises.”

He stressed that “a stupid move like this would mean that Netanyahu is leading his decrepit entity towards certain disaster.”

Palestinian movements praise

In turn, the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) praised the “missile strike carried out by the Yemeni armed forces and the Ansar Allah brothers, deep inside the Zionist entity,” and considered it “a natural response to the entity’s aggression against our Palestinian people, brotherly Yemen, and the Arab region.”

Hamas stressed in a statement that “the Zionist enemy will not enjoy security unless its brutal aggression against our people in the Gaza Strip stops.”

She said, “What the resistance fronts in Yemen, Lebanon and Iraq are doing, in terms of continuing support operations and direct confrontation with the Zionist enemy, is a fundamental right of the resistance of our nation and its peoples, and it is an affirmation of the unity of our nation and its common destiny in confronting the Zionist project and its colonial hegemony in Palestine and the Arab region.”

The Islamic Jihad Movement also praised the Houthi missile strike on the heart of Israel, saying that the strike exacerbated “the enemy’s crises and revealed its weakness,” according to its description.

For its part, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine considered the Yemeni ballistic response in Israel to represent a reinforcement of the deterrence equation, and a new revelation of the fragility of the Zionist entity, according to its description.

She said that the Yemeni ballistic message is clear and unambiguous and calls for an immediate halt to the aggression on Gaza.

Process details

The Houthi military spokesman, Brigadier General Yahya Saree, said that their forces carried out a qualitative operation today, Sunday, targeting a military site in Jaffa with a hypersonic missile, while the Israeli army opened an investigation into the reason for the delay in detecting and intercepting the missile.

Saree explained that the missile covered a distance of 2,400 kilometers in 11 and a half minutes, and that it comes within the framework of what he called the fifth stage.

In contrast, the Israeli army said that a surface-to-surface missile launched from Yemen fell in an uninhabited forest area east of Tel Aviv. Shrapnel from the missile was scattered in an area 6 kilometers from Ben Gurion Airport east of Tel Aviv.

The Israeli army said the missile traveled a distance of about 2,000 kilometers, took about 15 minutes to fly, and penetrated the airspace from the eastern border.

He also confirmed that the Air Force is investigating the reason for the delay in detecting and intercepting the missile.

For its part, the Israeli police said that the rocket fell in the town of Kfar Daniel, in an area near Ben Gurion Airport, adding that the rocket caused fires in forested areas and material damage to a main train station near the town of Modi’in.

Source : The Island + Websites + social media sites

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