A US-HAMAS dialogue could move from war to peace | Israeli-Palestine conflict

Last week, the senior officials of Hamas and the United States expressed the media their mutual will to engage in “a dialogue”. The statements of the senior Hamas, Mousa Abu Marzouk, and the American presidential envoy of the Middle East, Steve Witkoff, most likely meant the waters for future diplomatic movements, perhaps because of their common recognition according to which The current frenzy of the War of Israel in the region could soon come to the origin of Israel in the Israel region, which could soon reach Iran soon is bad news for all those concerned.

US President Donald Trump has repeatedly shown his intention to end wars in the Middle East and Ukraine, which affects his larger plans to reconfigure US world relations; And Hamas took the opportunity to demonstrate during the ceasefire that he still controls Gaza and remains an important political group among the Palestinians.

In this context, the sudden inclination of the United States and Hamas to “dialogue” should be taken seriously and explored carefully because it is possible and in the best interest of all the people concerned in the Middle East and in the -What.

There is certainly a large gap between the two actors: Washington was deeply accomplice of the genocidal devastation of Israel in Gaza, while the Hamas resistance movement is largely considered a terrorist organization by a large part of the West . But that is precisely why they must meet, speak and identify with precision the positions and potential to move from militarism to the restoration of peace. The current cease-fire is an opportunity to launch this process, which is why the realization of its three phases should now be the top priority.

Effective Israeli propaganda has long demonized Hamas in the West as an imprudent and vicious terrorist group that wants to destroy Israel. Reality, however, is that Hamas has been a successful national Palestinian political organization because it has combined the three critical dynamics that most of the 14 million Palestinians in the world support: resistance to principles and sustained against Israeli colonization and subjugation in a American way; Political activism to forge a national political program supported by all Palestinian factions; And pragmatism that constantly explores how to peacefully resolve conflict with Zionism.

Understanding Hamas and its positions does not mean to recognize it officially, the adoption of his opinions or refrain from criticizing his militancy, which generally reflects the global definition of the armed resistance authorized to the occupation, and sometimes adapts to The definition of terrorism against civilians.

Like most liberation movements, Hamas simultaneously practices militarism, resistance, terrorism and political pragmatism. Recognizing and separating these strands is a key to engaging the movement on the way towards a peaceful resolution of the conflict with Israel-that is to say if an Israeli government never emerges who truly seeks a permanent just peace.

A US-HAMAS dialogue could now clarify if the two are looking for peace. My permanent interactions with the Palestinian leaders indicate that the most important but not very appreciated attribute of Hamas and the whole leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization has been their long -standing desire to establish a Palestinian state which would peacefully coexist with Israel in its 1967 borders adjusted by mutual consent.

Hamas has officially, informal and repeatedly expressed this point of view, which has been unanimously formalized in the Panarabian peace offers in Israel since 2002. These positions were reaffirmed last week in an interview with the Higher Manager of Hamas Naim .

A peaceful resolution never took place mainly because the hard Israeli leaders have constantly ignored these offers by Hamas and all the other Palestinian groups.

The Canadian scholar Colter Louwerse shows in his research how the American-Israeli challenge has been the main obstacle since the 1970s to the implementation of the international consensus based on the law for two states of the conflict. As he wrote in 2023: “In January 1976, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) proposed to negotiate the terms of this” two -state “consensus. With the support of Washington, Israel refused the Palestinian proposal in good faith (…) Israeli-American rejectionism is, in fact, the main “obstacle to peace”. »»

This rejectionism, with the implacable Israeli aggression, has reflected the Zionist-Israeli objective since 1920 to expel as many Palestinians as possible from their ancestral lands and to formalize exclusive Jewish sovereignty throughout historical Palestine.

While the conflict has worsened and widened in the region, on the Arab side, the terms that Hamas has accepted have remained on the table. They are hard, but realistic. They need Zionism to define its borders and end its colonial unleashing in the region, and the Palestinians officially accept the State on only 22% of historic Palestine.

All agreements that fall in favor of peace are difficult and require rigorous policy changes on all sides. The end of the South African apartheid and American wars in Vietnam and Afghanistan are some examples of how compromises for peace can be difficult – but also how vital they are.

If Witkoff and Abu Marzouk spoke for their respective governments, as I suspect, it’s time to move forward with an American dialogue and ignore the howlers all around, especially in the United States and Israel , who will try to stop ceasing to stop this important step to occur.

Any dialogue must above all avoid the errors of the 1993 OSLO process and other attempts to create peace, which substituted the endless discussion sessions of the concessions on both sides, while the Israeli colonial expansions and annexations continued with explicit support in the United States.

We must have overtime to take advantage of this opportunity, following the expansion of wars and many suffering, to move the whole of the Middle East of its current disastrous militarism path to future coexistence among all States.

The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the editorial position of Tel Aviv Tribune.

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