The victims were one of the 16 minors injured in the Knurow-Szczyglowice coal mine on Wednesday when methane ignited about 850 meters below the ground level.
The results of the fire of a coal mine that occurred this week in southern Poland increased to three dead on Saturday, hospital authorities.
The victims were one of the 16 minors injured in the Knurow-Szczyglowice coal mine on Wednesday when methane ignited about 850 meters below the ground level.
Nine workers have undergone serious burns and were transported to a specialized unit at Siemianowice Slaskie hospital. Five others were transported to other hospitals and have already left the hospital.
Wojciech Smetek, spokesperson for Siemianowice Slaskie hospital, said two minors died of burns out of about 80 % of their bodies on Saturday. The first death was reported on Thursday.
The authorities investigate the causes of the fire. Methane present in Polish coal mines is the cause of occasional fires and deadly explosions.