A military expert refutes Washington’s claims about Rafah and enumerates the reasons for Israel’s fear of a second war News

The military and strategic expert, Colonel Hatem Karim Al-Falahi, refuted the allegations made by the United States about a limited military operation carried out by the Israeli occupation army in the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, presenting evidence that refutes this.

During his analysis of the military scene in Gaza, Al-Falahi pointed out that Washington is trying to give cover to the Israeli military operation in Rafah, and that the occupation army is using 6 elite regular brigades, in addition to the displacement and exodus of more than a million Palestinians from the region.

According to Al-Falahi, these data confirm that a large and broad military operation is being carried out in Rafah, and not, as is said, “an operation with limited scope and impact,” adding that the occupation army is facing fierce resistance and is incurring clear human losses.

Netzarim axis

The military expert touched on the Netzarim axis – which separates the northern Gaza Strip from its center and south – and said that the occupation brought it back to the forefront after the massive ground incursion late last October, with the aim of finding an advanced operational location and carrying out future raids and security attacks.

He pointed out that wheeled, tracked and third wheels for quick movements can use the axle and carry out rapid incursions north or south, as happened in the Nuseirat camp operation in the middle of the Gaza Strip to recover the four Israeli prisoners.

He stressed that these movements and plans explain the Palestinian resistance’s insistence on systematically targeting the axis with short-range missiles and mortar shells over the past period.

Hezbollah escalation

Regarding the escalation on the Lebanese-Israeli border, Al-Falahi described what happened as the largest and most violent escalation by Hezbollah after it carried out specific strikes on the Israeli army and its headquarters with a large intensity of missiles and fire, within a geographic area not exceeding 30 kilometers.

Regarding the implications of using the catapult, the strategic expert believes that Israel wants to respond in kind to Hezbollah’s burning of large areas in the north by igniting the border areas inside Lebanon.

However, Al-Falahi confirms that the Israeli army faces a dilemma as it suffers from exhaustion, a shortage of human resources, military equipment and ammunition, and a major internal division in Israel, in addition to American warnings of the consequences of expanding the scope of the conflict.

On the other hand, Hezbollah has a cumulative missile arsenal that differs from what exists in Gaza, and the party also has a strategic depth towards Syria, Iraq and Iran, which means that it is not besieged as the resistance factions in Gaza are suffering. “Therefore, the occupation army is thinking carefully before opening a front with Hizb allah”.

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