5 countries are moving to soon recognize the State of Palestine News


Media reports said that some European Union member states, including Ireland and Spain, are considering recognizing the state of Palestine on May 21.

The Irish Radio and Television Network (RTE) said yesterday, Wednesday, that contacts had intensified between Ireland, Spain, Slovenia and Malta regarding recognition of the State of Palestine.

According to the network, a spokesman for Michael Martin, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Defense of Ireland, confirmed that these talks are already continuing.

She indicated that European Union member states, including Ireland and Spain, will announce their recognition of the State of Palestine on May 21.

It is known that Ireland, Slovenia, Malta and Norway support a Spanish-led initiative to recognize the State of Palestine.

By 8 members

The State of Palestine is currently recognized by 8 members of the European Union, namely Bulgaria, Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Cyprus, and Sweden.

The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policies, Josep Borrell, revealed that he expects some EU countries to officially recognize Palestine.

The Arab countries and the European Union agreed during a meeting in Spain last November that the two-state solution is the only solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Since 1988, 139 of the 193 countries in the United Nations have recognized Palestinian statehood.

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